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코딩 테스트/구현12

왕실의 나이트 p.115 first_p=input() steps=[(2,-1),(2,1),(-2,-1),(-2,1),(1,-2),(-1,-2),(1,2),(-1,2)] count=0 # 맨 처음이 a,1 column=int(ord(first_p[0])-ord('a'))+1 row=int(first_p[1]) next_column=0 next_row=0 for step in steps: next_column=column+step[0] next_row=row+step[1] if next_column>=1 and next_column=1 and next_row 2021. 1. 19.
시각 p.113 hour=int(input()) count=0 for h in range(hour+1): for m in range(60): for s in range(60): if '3' in str(h)+str(m)+str(s): count+=1 print(count) 2021. 1. 18.
상하좌우 p. 110 s=int(input()) plans=input().split() dire=['R','L','U','D'] dx=[0,0,-1,1] dy=[1,-1,0,0] nx=1 ny=1 x=1 y=1 for plan in plans: for i in range(len(dire)): if dire[i]==plan: nx=x+dx[i] ny=y+dy[i] if nxs: continue else: x=nx y=ny print(x,y) 2021. 1. 18.
문자열 압축 이것이 취업을 위한 코딩테스트다. with 파이썬 p.323 def solution(s): result=9999 if len(s)==1: result=1 for step in range(1,len(s)//2+1): compressed = "" prev=s[0:step] count=1 for i in range(step, len(s), step): if prev==s[i:i+step]: count+=1 else: if count > 1: compressed += str(count)+prev else: compressed += prev prev = s[i:i+step] count=1 if count > 1: compressed += str(count)+prev else: compressed += prev r.. 2021. 1. 16.
문자열 재정렬 이것이 취업을 위한 코딩테스트다. with 파이썬 p.322 s=input() s=sorted(s) result=[] sum=0 for a in range(len(s)): if s[a].isalpha(): result.append(s[a]) else: sum+=int(s[a]) if sum!=0: result.append(str(sum)) print(''.join(result)) 2021. 1. 16.
럭키 스트레이트 이것이 취업을 위한 코딩테스트다. with 파이썬 p.321 i=input() len_i=len(i) sum=0 for a in range(len_i//2): sum+=int(i[a]) for b in range(len_i//2, len_i): sum-=int(i[b]) if sum==0: print("LUCKY") else: print("READY") 2021. 1. 16.